Diana's Shrine

Created: 1/7/2002

Welcome to the shrine I created for Diana from the animated series of Dungeons and Dragons. The show was about six young people ranging in age from 8 to late teens who got caught in a portal and were transported to another universe. They are befriended by Dungeon master, a powerful sorcerer, and they spend their time looking for a way back to their world, usually blowing it because they help some strangers instead.

Diana was an acrobat who got a javelin type weapon which she used to do acrobatic battle maneuvers. She was one of the half of the group members who actually could attack something. Most of the others had somewhat passive weapons. Her weapon was very strong and collapsed to a smaller length for easy carrying. It also possessed the ability to put itself back together if it was broken. She was also the only black member of the group.

While Shiela was a sort of quiet sexy, Diana was more direct. She wore a skimpy fur bikini which showed off her beautiful stomach and legs. Cleavage was unfortunately more or less lacking.

I do not have as many shots of her, since I liked Shiela better, but what I do have are in the gallery below. Enjoy.

Gallery #1
Hall of Bones
Treasure of Tardos
City at the Edge of Midnight
The Dragon's Graveyard
The Last Illusion
Cave of the Fairy Dragons

Other Characters